St Patrick's School
St Patrick's School

Latest from St Patrick’s
Newsletter 19th February 2025, Term 1, Week 3
The Importance of Home Reading
Reading at home is one of the most powerful ways parents can support their child’s education. Just 15-20 minutes of daily reading can dramatically improve a student’s academic performance, vocabulary, and creativity.
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Welcome Mrs. Barrett
A warm welcome to our newest member of staff, Mrs. Kate Barrett, who will teach Year 6 each Monday and Tuesday. We are very grateful to Kate for filling this vacancy and we are sure she will love getting to know our Year 6 students. Please give her a warm welcome.
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Year 6 Camp Fundraiser- Battery Drive
Do you have some old car, truck or tractor batteries lying around? Please consider donating them for recycling, as all proceeds will help us reduce the cost of our School Camp. Please contact Kate Adam: 0438 895 243.
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Important Dates
Thu, 20 Feb 25
Drumbeat Workshop Y6
Tue, 25 Feb 25
Scitech Incursion
To provide a safe learning environment, illuminated by faith, in which all students thrive.