St Patrick's School



Amherst St
Katanning WA 6317
T: (08) 9820 8100




St Patrick's School




Canteen will operate again in 2022 subject to a full roster of volunteers.

Canteen will be available for Lunch on Tuesdays and Recess on Fridays.

Canteen Co-ordinator is Cathy Chambers.

Lunches: Please send your child’s lunch order bag with their name, class and what they wish to order for lunch clearly written on the front. Please place payment inside the bag, refer to St Patrick’s canteen menu for items available and prices. If you are paying for more than one child and placing all the money in one bag please be sure to write the payment and who it is for on the bag. However please do not write multiple orders on one bag, children need a bag each with their own order on it. If possible, please have correct money in the lunch bag. Children are to then place their lunch order in their class basket on Wednesday morning. Lunches will be delivered to their classrooms at lunchtime. If they have a coloured dot on their bag they are to come to canteen to collect part of their order that cannot go in the bags eg. Fruit Bowl

Recess: Children are to bring their money to school on Friday if they wish to buy recess. At recess they then line up at the canteen and buy what they wish to purchase.

Volunteers: Thank you to all who have volunteered in the past. Canteen will not be able to operate without a full complement of volunteers. We are all busy parents/carers but as you know many hands make light work. We are urging all families to please put their name on the roster for at least one shift per term. Your roster shift can then be filled by yourself, a family member or friend. If everyone puts their name down at least once the roster will be easy to fill. There is always someone on roster that knows what to do and can show you the ropes.


To provide a safe learning environment, illuminated by faith, in which all students thrive.